Bugging In VS Bugging Out

To start this blog we will first define bugging in and bugging out. Then we will speak briefly about each and why you should be planning and preparing for both situations. After that we will come to a determination of which one is more practical in today’s world. 


Now let’s define bugging in. The term “bugging in” refers to the act of staying at your predetermined location for a long period of time.Bugging in involves preparing your current location to create a safe and sustainable environment during times of crisis or emergency, and it becomes the chosen strategy when bugging out is either impractical or infeasible. On the other hand, bugging out entails leaving your current location for a pre-prepared or quickly arranged secluded spot during a crisis or emergency, and this strategy is pursued when your bug-in location becomes unsafe or when you lack a suitable bug-in spot.

Men working in dark metal workshop indoors generated by artificial intelligence

Bugging In

Now that we have defined both we can go into detail of what goes into achieving either of them. Bugging in is up first. From our definition above you know that you will be fortifying a predetermined location. Making the location secure is the first priority here. Next, you will want to start taking care of the basics of survival. Shelter, fire, water and food and med supplies. The plush stuff comes absolute last. Now, since you are bugging in, I am assuming your location is your home or a relative’s home. So you will have shelter already taken care of. I like to think of fire as electricity for light and cooking. To accomplish this you can get solar panels or generators that run off of fuel. And if you have gas appliances, fire will remain and you will have to worry about harvesting firewood and training fire starting techniques. Food and water are the most important topics in bugging in because the longer you can stay there and not have to go hunt or loot for food and water the safer you will be. Growing a garden, having livestock, and building a water catchment system will help you in these areas. Stockpiling medicine and medical supplies over time will take care of the medications. But you will have to rotate the medicine according to expiration dates.

One person hiking up the mountain peak with backpack and hiking pole generated by artificial intelligence

Bugging Out

Bugging out is far more difficult. The reasoning is because all of your gear that you will have to use to achieve this long term has to be packed in a backpack. Now there are great packs that you can get that will allow you to carry more items more comfortably but the list of necessities is far longer. For bugging out you will not only be responsible for the basics of survival but you will also need room for extra clothes, hygienic supplies, maps, ammo, firearms or bows, and much more. Bugging out takes you out of the city limits into remote wilderness for survival. So you will have to build your shelter all while hunting, fishing, and maintaining a fire. All of these are skills that you will have to build on and experiment with before that time comes. One thing to do is have an area scouted and in mind that you will go to. One close to water with tons of game trails around and surrounded by extreme vegetation. This will make the process easier and faster.

Which Is More Practical?

In my opinion, I would say that bugging in is the most practical for most people. But bugging out has its place. If you are in a crowded city you might want to opt for bugging out. People who haven’t prepared for it will be trying to loot and steal what they don’t have. In an instance where someone’s family is on the line there is nothing they won’t do to get what you have. To me I would rather have a building that I can stockpile all of my stuff and head to when things get bad. I would want to bug in a rural area where I know I am safe and daily life can resume to an extent. I would like to have a rainwater catchment system already set up, a garden ready to go with seeds at the ready. Med supplies are stocked up, and food is hunted or fished. But ultimately it is up to you. How much will you do to keep your family safe?